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Nickel Prices Pull Back Further, Premiums and Discounts Drop Slightly [SMM Nickel Spot Midday Review]

iconDec 31, 2024 15:17
[Nickel Prices Pull Back Further, Premiums Continue to Drop Slightly] The premium for Jinchuan brand nickel continues to drop slightly overall. With the increase in supply, it is expected that the premium may have the potential for further decline in the short term.

SMM, December 31:
Spot premiums/discounts: Today's quotations reflect the contract rollover, with the most-traded contract changing to the 2502 contract. The mainstream spot premiums for Jinchuan No.1 nickel were in the range of 2,800-3,200 yuan/mt, with an average premium of 3,000 yuan/mt. Russian nickel premiums/discounts were quoted in the range of -200 to 200 yuan/mt, with an average premium of 0 yuan/mt.
Futures: In the morning, nickel prices fluctuated at low levels, dropping 30 yuan to 124,420 yuan, down 0.02%.
The premiums for Jinchuan-branded nickel continued to drop slightly. With the increase in supply, short-term premiums are expected to decline further. Spot premiums/discounts for nickel plates of other brands remained largely stable this month. As the year-end approaches, overall market transactions were sluggish.
Regarding the price spread with nickel sulphate: Today's nickel briquette prices were 123,400-124,050 yuan/mt, down 75 yuan/mt compared to the previous trading day's spot price. Nickel sulphate remained at a discount to refined nickel.



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